For Suppliers
Our procurement methods follow AS9100 procedures. Quality system approval is required of manufacturers, distributors, and special processors who provide product or services to Arkwin Industries. Approval may be granted based on a mail-in Quality questionnaire or an on-site survey conducted by Arkwin Industries Quality organization.
We are contractually obligated to solicit contracts from small businesses of all types. We value strong supplier relationships with small business concerns whose strengths and capabilities meet our needs. We are committed to expanding our supplier base and will continue to ensure fair and equitable bidding opportunities for qualified small businesses. All requirements for quality, delivery, and price apply to both large and smaller suppliers.
Arkwin expects 100% OTD from its Suppliers. Continued unacceptable delivery performance will result in removal from our approved supplier list. It is the supplier’s obligation to notify Arkwin in advance of a late delivery and submit a recovery plan. This plan does not absolve your requirement to be on time and will impact your delivery rating.
The purchase order number must appear on all documents, including the shipper or packing sheet, invoice, etc. Shipments cannot be received and paid for if they cannot be identified. Furthermore, the supplier shall notify Arkwin Industries in advance of any change to products or processes that affect the form, fit, or function of any supplied part(s), per our quality assurance requirements.
Arkwin Industries needs to receive the items ordered within the specified early/late delivery window in an undamaged condition. Be sure your packaging is adequate to ensure no damage. Include any certifications, first article acceptance reports, etc., required by the purchase order. Early deliveries will not be accepted unless approved by Arkwin Industries in advance and will be returned at the Supplier’s expense.
Upon receipt of the material, the shipment will be inspected to ensure that it complies with the order and specification, per our standard terms and conditions.
Should the shipment not be as ordered, it will be returned to the supplier for replacement at the supplier’s expense, and the supplier’s quality record will be noted. If an RMA is needed to return the material to your company, Arkwin Industries requires that the RMA number be provided within two business days of notification. A rejection may initiate a request for Formal Corrective Action. An unacceptable quality level can result in removal from our approved supplier list.
Product material receipts are measured for quality and schedule performance. In some cases, Arkwin Industries will provide your company with monthly performance feedback to drive continued improvement and strengthen relationships. As with specific rejections, if a negative trend in your quality and/or delivery performance occurs, Arkwin Industries will request Formal Corrective Action. Continued poor performance will result in removal from our approved supplier list.